Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ideal length of a Blog Post.

The internet is growing faster than ever. Users find new ways to interact and social websites like Facebook have grown far beyond anyone's imagination. For some, the online experience is enhanced by sharing their knowledge, life experiences, and thoughts on Blogs.

There has been a question as old as Blogs have existed. What is the ideal number of words to have in a typical Blog posting?

A fair enough question, but the answer varies depending on whom you talk to. Important factors to consider are the target audience, your frequency of posting, and the subject matter of the post.

Whereas it may take a few words to make a point and throw in a few graphics to satisfy the visitor to a gossip blog, a more tech oriented Blog may require more words, and go into far more detail that exceeds the needs of the occasional recreational blogger.

To get a point across and still remain relevant while blogging about something like - how to get Apple's Macintosh OS X to run on a windows laptop (Hackintosh), a blog post will be long, and very technical, and that is what the readers of the posting will expect, no less.

But a general consensus is that for the vast majority of blogs, each posting should be between 100-250 words, for anything beyond that, you are going into hardcore niche category.

Keep on blogging!

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